Wednesday, October 29, 2008


My dog is getting a rele bad habbit of peeing near the water feature.
He probably think's its a fountain of pee
and that it's a public sign for "toilet"
in his mind.
He always ends up getting caught by mom,
and mom calls him a nautii bum bum
then he has to get locked up for punishment.
Yes, dear readers,
my dog goes to jail.
Then my ayi has to go clean up the crime scene.

I wonder how my dog is gunna like Jin or Dawei.
They're coming over on Friday
to go trick or treating together.
Other people are coming too:
Audrey, Nick, Sean, Cristabella, and maybe this brown shawty
I forgot his name.
Justin was supposed to come, but he is "busy"

Anyways, my dog doesn't like strangers
especially male strangers for some reason,
hes a sexist dog, even though he is male.
I think he might be gay
or maybe he thinks he is transsexual.
And he also doesn't like people wearing trousers
or anything that covers ur legs
He thinks that they are socks, and he
will start biting it.
I don't think Dawei will like it if
he sees a fat dog chewing on his trousers.

I got a lot of homework today,
but surprisingly, i finished them
So i'm happy.
And Justin said that he nearly dunked.
I personally think that he's gunna hurt himself
if he isnt careful.
he's really happy about it.
He touched the rim 3 times
and hes hyper about it.

Oh yeah, I took Jin's pen home by accident
I wonder if she's gunna be mad..
She better not be...
Badminton tomorrow
no more swimming

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Voodoo Dolls

Verbal abuse : My parents want to sue my piano teacher

Uhmm, yeah, they kinda do.
So see, I have this problem with my fingers
and I can't keep the timing right for some reason.
Then, the evil bitch started screaming
like a wild banshee.
So my parents came in and they
told her that she was verbally abusing me
and she freaked out.
Thats for messing around with me, u evil
unqualified incompetent piece of shit

So now my parents want me
to carry my cell phone everywhere
so i can call them to contact a lawyer
and they said that my piano teacher
is evil and i must stay away from her.
They also moved me to a different piano school.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Peace at once

Alas, all harm and violence have come to a halt, and all have come together as one. And who do we have to thank for? Perhaps the whole of Dulwich College Shanghai.
Warning gave out that the Daweiian Islands will join the legion of Bryano Yata and Justina Quacano Ayi, who nearly broke up a few days ago. Peace was made, and the leading democratic figures swore to no wars.
Within 5 days, bombs and terrorising objects were silenced, and stopped once for all. Such happened as the top democratic figures marched themseves upon a journey that changed the history of 9ML forever.
Such journey is well known as the Year 9 Gui Zhou trip, and all powerful priests, sirs and ladies, knights and soldiers, Princes and Kings, Rich dominatory maidens, et cetera were present in this overnight stay.
A more detailed piece of information will be published soon...

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Bryan to join Yvonno Furballia? Bryan thereatens Justin. Daweiian Islands to fall out soon.

Another attack sends Justin into a huge dilemma: "I will join Yvonne's alliance."
Bryan says to Justin in fear that he will post more personal details on the Internet. Justin swore he would do no such thing, but Bryan is still on his toes. Yvonno Furballia is extremely excited to hear these news, and in waiting for her empire growth. Geez, talk about greedy.

Daweiian Islands is in shreds and may fall out of the War soon. Ears are wide open and waiting for his plea for peace. Many are suggesting for him to find alliance immediately. Jinia and Povedano are keeping quiet in the war, but all teams are well prepared for any further unforeseen attacks.

Rumors are spreading fast that Veronicano may not remain neutral for long. Apparently her country is very much disturbed and upsetted with the war going on near her venue.

The Legion of Bryano Yata - Justina Quacano Ayi??!!

"I prolly leave the Legion" says Bryan

The sudden claim by Bryan caused shock to the public, and we thought that they were going to be an equal match to the Yvonno Furballia empire. Sudden gasps were expressed and everyone was shocked to hear the event of such catastrophe.

Rumor has it that Justin has threatened to post personal details of Bryan on the internet, Felling threatened and worried about his personal privacy, Bryan informed Justin that he will have to leave the legion.

the question: Is Yvonno Furballia to dominate all? Surely the diabolical yet democratic figure will not touch the dominatory status of the war? Reports recently added that she has signed yet another alliance with Vivianno who had savaged Bryano Yata just days ago.

Should the truce break, Justin will most probably sign an alliance with the Daweiian Islands. He, recently, had claimed that he follows Yvonno Furballia's suggestions in his post "Poo" which speaks a thorough description of excretion. Should he and Justin form a new alliance, will he betray it?

Rumors also mouthed hints that Fabiano will be leaving Yvonno Furballia's alliance. Alas, will this make any impact on her with having Vivianno, Kangano BibBi, and new member, Daminia in her alliance? Will ther be a new alliance, strong enough to overcome her power?
To be updated soon.

Friday, October 17, 2008

War update. Scariest thing I've ever seen : Adam Anderson.

The scariest thing I've seen:
3rd place:

Adam Anderson

2nd Place :

Yee Juenne

1st place:

Justina Quacano Ayi

War update:

lets see....

Yvonno Furballia attacked Justina Quacano Ayi this morning

Justina Quacano Ayi strikes back

Anonymous attacked Yvonno Furballia and Daweiian Islands

United LiLaoShi States dissed Yvonno Furballia

Yvonno Furballia attacked Justina Quacano Ayi

Yvonno Furballia and Vivianno joined forces

Vivianno attacks Bryano Yata

Bryano Yata defends

Yvonno Furballia strikes Bryano Yata

Yvonno Furballia signs alliance with Daminia

Daminia attacks Justina Quacano Ayi

He strikes Back

She strikes back

They are at arm's race.

Quote of the day:

"Damini says: :tlel him to go shovfe his cup of tea rite up his arse!"

Thursday, October 16, 2008


War report: 9ML'ian Great War 2008

Alas, our biggest fear have been realised. The Great War finally breaks out in 2008, October.
Here are the involved individuals:

Jinia VS Yvonno Furballia - Fabiano - Kangano BibBi VS Legion of Bryano Yata - Justina Quacano Ayi VS Daweiian Islands VS Povedanoia VS Charlieffen von Gayienna

Events that led to this war (chronologically):
Bryan and Justin joined forces
Justina Quacano Ayi attacks Charlieffen von Gayienna
Charlieffen von Gayienna is on defence
Justina Quacano Ayi has left Charlieffen von Gayienna on weak end
Charlieffen von Gayienna attacks Justina Quacano Ayi
Jinia won a class game against Fabiano

Povedanoia suggested diabolical actions to Yvonno Furballia against Jinia
Yvonno Furballia accepts
Yvonno Furballia attacks Jinia and Justina Quacano Ayi
Bryano Yata virtually assaulted Kangano BibBi
Kangano BibBi and Yvonno Furballia joined forces
Justina Quacano Ayi attacks Yvonno Furballia and the Daweiian Islands
Yvonno Furballia strikes back
Justina Quacano Ayi attacks - leading to another join of forces : Fabiano join Yvonno Furballia
Jinia attacks Yvonno Furballia
Jinia acknowledges of rival Povedanoia
Bryano Yata and Justina Quacano Ayi team up on both Yvonno Furballia and Daweiian Islands
Kangano BibBi attacks Justina Quacano Ayi
Bryano Yata disses Fabiano
Yvonno Furballia strikes back
Bryano Yata retreats and dug trenches
Justina Quacano Ayi attacks Yvonno Furballia and Daweiian Islands viciously
Peace is made between Justina Quacano Ayi - Bryano Yata and Daweiian Islands
Daweiian Islands attacks Yvonno Furballia
Justina Quacano Ayi is deciding to break the alliance with Bryano Yata
Justina Quacano Ayi - Bryano Yata abandoned Daweiian Islands

To be updated tomorrow.

Exams. Yata is clueless. Gui Zhou. Quaca has found new love. Breakout war.

Okay, humans.
Lots and lots to go through.
First and foremost, my sincere apologies for this late post.

Reason being: I had 4 tests this week.
Science, French, Maths and History.
I think I passed French.
I got 90% for science.
I can't say much for maths and history, though.

Just 10 minutes ago, Yata (formerly known as Bryan)
just announced that he doesn't know much of the
woman anatomy.
Such details include his lack of knowledge of "periods".
I am much prepared to educate him.

Charles is turning gay man. Today,
he asked Quaca (formerly known as Justin or Justina)
where his waist is.
And dude, he wont stop touching Quaca.
Thats wrong
I mean, ok fine there frens,
but still.
Its wrongg.

I have to go to Gui Zhou next week.
And apparently I would much rather go to Beijing,
Why, you ask.
And apparently, we're gunna be sleeping over
at a villager's house.
I'm not as concerned about sleeping at someone's house
than i am with toilets, but its kinda scary.

SHANGHAI.Justin has found new love, reports said.
The teenaged basketballer has been found
with another young girl fairly often this month.
Although Justin has declined to comment,
reporter say that the young girl is from his class
perhaps the same age or younger.
Her identity is unknown but names of
Jen, and Jennifer have been popping up.
She is rumored to also be Singaporean.
Justin, 1.7m, has also recently lost
his reputation for missing hoops this week.
"I don't know. I think I just got to focus more."
quoted the basketballer.
Focus on what, Ace? Rumors has it that
Justin is going through stress from
his college, Dulwich College.
Reporter say that the teenager will be
tested in Math, Science, French and History
subjects this week.
Best of Luck, Ace!

Due to hostility and tension between the
9ML'ian individuals, I sense that a War is about to break out.
I think the war of Jinia-Fabian is already on.
Bryan and Justin signed the alliance thingy
so now they are the Legion of Bryano Yata-Justina Quacano
They are building up tension against
Daweian, war might begin there.
Chances of a war on two fronts for the legion is possible
as Yvonno has also been attacked through effects of
the invasion of Dawei'an.
Bryano Yata is causing conflicts against Kangana BibBi
and war may begin there.
Justina Quacana has also attacked Charlieffen von gayienna
and war may break out there as well.
No further attacks are included, but
9ML has recently been rated the top 10
most dangerous areas in the world.
Please be careful.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Here is a clip that evidently shows Justin causing distraught in class

Justina : 3 Yvonne: 0

As you see in the scoreboard, I gots seriously pwned by Justina. Dude, this is soooo unfair, especially since I keep forgetting to bring my water pistol to school. I am waayyy into vengeance now. I know I've said somewhere that this is diabolical and evil and of all unpure and sinful. Burn to that. Justina is an exception.

Therefore, I shall attack him with a water pistol tomorrow.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Treaty of Bryano-Justina. Splitting things into two. Kangan's unforeseen love.

Okay, lots to talk about,
but first things first.
I am lawfully divorced frm Dawei
and I am fairly pleased with it.

But we come down to a rule:
Whats mine was once yours
Therefore we have to divide everything
What kind of gay sick joke is that?
I did not swear my oath to marriage
neither did i say I do.

Whilst on the other side of the world,
peace has come to settle
the lives of Bryan and Justin.
Congratulations to them!
They've also signed the treaty of Bryano-Justina.
Meaning that they come to no harm
of each other.
Let peace dominate the world!
Link to the action of peace-making

Now, we travel towards the gossiping regions
of Kangan.
We lead only one question:
Just exactly who does she fancy?
Kangan has denied to comment
and thus denied names.
Justin was one of the most common
subject at the tip of those tongues.
Should this lead to yet another war
between Justin and another individual?

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Alors, lendermain je dois aller au collége!


J'ai beacoup des devoirs!!
Je deteste mon proffesseurs.

Justin est un fil de pute.
Aujourd'hui, il a écrit un paragraphe
de Jin et Bryan. Il a parlé Jin et Bryan a tombent amoureux

Il est très enfantant.

Bryan deteste de Justin, après le incident.
Je ne comprends pas. C'est un plaisanter, oui?
Alors, Justin est le troule de cul.

My dog is getting fat.

My dog is getting fat.
No lie.
So at the start of last week,
I took it out and we go jogging.
Normally, he gets tired after
20 minutes, wtv.
He did slim down a bit.

So the contradictory thing is that
this morning, I caught my mom giving him
a bowl of bacon strips.

DUDE he's only gunna get fatter!

MCR - Tribute to World War? Justin is a leprechaun.

Hello beautiful munchkins!
Last night I had my ear phones plugged into my head
with My Chemical Romance belting into my ears.
They were singing Mama and I was
trying to find out wtf they are going on about.

Turns out they were singing about World War.
The 1st person's gone to fight
and he's writing home to his mom.
His mom cries everyday in fear of the worst.
He writes about how unholy the event is

Simple explanation:
You kill -- you go to hell
You kill tons of people ---straight to hell
In the event of a world war,
you're bound to kill quite a few people.
Therefore, you're destined to go to hell.
There is also a large fraction of chance
that you get killed pretty soon.

Justin is a Leprechaun

Honestly, people have GOT to stop using the word human.
Lay off okay?
I have decided to call Justin a leprechaun.
I realise this contradicts his physical appearance

eg) He is not short.
He is not green.

And therefore, I have to go through a dilusional conversation with myself.

J&B Wedding Planner Company.

Dear readers,
I have been savegely attacked.
Please scrutinise the follwoing conversation:

[PM 9:25:23] jin. says: grrr
[PM 9:25:27] jin. says: i need a normal pic of u
[PM 9:25:31] jin. says: pleasee
[PM 9:25:33] jin. says: not photoshoped

[PM 9:27:33] jin. says: yvonne: u call that pic normal?
[PM 9:27:38] jin. says: seriously?

[PM 9:27:46] WHOS YOUR DADDY?! says: yes
[PM 9:27:48] WHOS YOUR DADDY?! says: it is normal
[PM 9:27:53] WHOS YOUR DADDY?! says: un photoshopped
[PM 9:28:01] WHOS YOUR DADDY?! says: okay fine, i'll look for another

[PM 9:28:03] jin. says: another one where ur looking at the camera might help
[PM 9:28:05] jin. says: thank you
[PM 9:28:07] jin. says: ily
[PM 9:29:11] jin. says: YAYY
[PM 9:29:12] jin. says: thank you

Now, dear readers, please visit this URL.
Completely safe, trust me.

Sympathy is much appreciated.

Je deteste mon proffesor de piano

Okay, I'm just about to give up on my french now.
So, i had piano tuition today,
and my teacher was being all weird on me.
She started talking to me in chinese
and i'm like "Wot?"

Okayy, and Jin is getting back at me for the
Dawei + Jin = CUTE
thing. She's giving hard attempts to
get a picture of me and Dawei
thus making a "wedding picture"

Double you tee eff? Oh yeah, Justin got a new bike.
And I'm sitting here reading all of it,
shit im jealous.
I can't even ride a bike.
I mean I can, but like with training wheels and stuff.
Who doesn't know how to do that?

Pff, whatever, I'm getting pissed now.
I shall ask my ayi to teach me how to ride a bike.
I think we have one in the garage somewhere...

I wonder what I shall do for Halloween.
Maybe I can invite Jin and Kangan,
maybe the whole class,
and go trick or treating together.
Shud I ask Ms. Li too?
Or maybe I shud forget the entire idea
and buy some water balloons.
Then, I'll got pelt those people with it.
If they get mad, I'll give them chocolate.

My dog is turning fat.

Love you babes

Friday, October 10, 2008

Viktor is voted badly

Excuse me?

Look, humans, you cannot just randomly vote him bad, okay?
He's hawte.


love you bitches.

War on Two Fronts

Definition: To have to make war with two countries at one time.

So check it out, man. We got (lets call him FBs) on the A team.
We got the ladies on the B team
And we got the pretential sycophantic "frens" of his on the C team.

Scientific explanation:
B team + C team -----------------> A team

See? The game plan works! Too bad in reality, people are wayyy too nice to even bother looking at my plan sheet.

Let's talk about something else then,
We shall talk about...oh yes, Games this morning.
So see, little noob suckers like me need to be intensely forced into being in the B team.
Not that I mind, I'm relieved.

Here's the scoresheet for Howard B

Howard VS Wing ---> Wing won.
Howard VS Shackleton ----> Shackleton won.

Love you babes

btw, Jin DID kill me. I'm only lucky the other one didn't find out.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Why the name "Fabio" spells out trouble.

Today was an exceptionally disgusting day.
Here's a simple scenario for your scrutiny:
8:20 AM -- French Class
8:23 AM --Forgot my french books in the locker
8:40 AM -- PE : Swimming
8:43 AM --Attempt of pretend tummy sickness - failure
8:50 AM -- Butterfly stroke
9:15 AM -- On the way back to school
9:16 AM -- Fabio swore an expletive to Jin

Normally, you do NOT let your innocent friends get yelled at by repulsive bystanders. Nuh-uh. And dude, you should see how he physically assaulted people:
1) Bryan - constant attempt of ripping head off and bruising of arms and neck
2) Dawei - slapping of legs

Okay, enuff about him or I shall suffer a miserable death shud he find out. Let's talk about..Jin.
She's like going crazy now cuz she thinks that Bryan hates her guts. No offence, honey, but Bryan is too nice to even understand what "hate" means. But, y'know, its not a nice feeling if you think someone hates you. Cud kill your endolphins, or as i say, killing your buzz.

I think Justin is mad at me for making him do extra homework.. :P
But it's not entirely my fault..kinda..
He still gets extra points for science...
Oh well, his problem.

I know this is kinda getting off topic, but to add to the randomness, I was trying to be optimistic today. I have decided that Dawei and Jin look cute together. hehe. ..They;re gunna kill me now that I typed that.

Gah we have like 4 tests coming up next week. Ew! That is just gunna burn our brains! I don't have a life this weekend.
Tuesday: Possibly French
Wednesday: Science
Thursday: Maths

AND we have a possible history test. I seriously have NO LIFE this weekend. Gahh! Evil humans. This is torture!!