Sunday, November 30, 2008

My Gay Weekend

My weekend is so gay, man.
I was practically smothered with homework and shit.
And I couldn't even go to Jin's 2 hr awsum partay cuz i had too much homework.
And Vivian could go too.
So Veronica went, and she was like alone'ish.

Jin called me Saturay morning and she was all mad at me and stuff.
Then my parents went out with my sister to buy stuff
and I was home alone.
So I tried to film the first bit of my History vid project stuff.

And the first bit, I was like trying to make it look like I was
fixing up the camera and stuff.
And my stupid dog kept getting inside the shots.
And I can't even pretend that hes a white squirrel or something cuz he
was wearing clothes and pink stuff

So I had to refilm it like 5 times.
And my dog thot that I was retarded cuz I was talking to the camera.
Then my neighbour came out abnd he was like staring at me
wondering wtf im doing.
Then my dog was barking at him.

But then the rest fo it was boring, cuz my editing thing sucks.
The clips were all 1.3mb and it wont fit into my editing thing.
So I got very gay and starting screaming.
Then my dog freaked out and peed on the grass.
He pees weird now,
he used to pee like a bitch,
but now he lifts his leg up.

Then we went for dinner with Audrey and Nick at Johnny Moo
and then we went to their house to play pool and drink red wine.
I dont like red wine.
It tastes horrendous.
I dun get how adults can take it.
They drink it like its so totally awsum,
but its not so totally awsum.

I suck at Pool apparently.
I cant even hol the stick thng properly.
And I also suck at breaking the ball.
The white ball goes "whheeee" and it bumps into the first ball,
and nothign moves.

okay im bored now,
back to geography class..

Monday, November 24, 2008

Toleration of Dentists <--- a Detailed Study.

For the past two weeks, I have been summoned to an unfamiliar
chamber of torture, where I lay with my mouth open.
A green leprechaun troll will sharp tools will come to attend to my mouth.
For the past 2 weeks, he has extracted a total of 4 molars from my mouth.
During this period of agony and excrutiating pain, I have learned
how to deal with dentists.

They seem to suffer from great pain when I bit his thumb.
Thus, this is one of the well recommended tactics.
Another tactic, in the event of which his thumb does not enter your mouth,
I suggest that you whack his face with ur palm.
Should your parents suddenly stand behind you to watch your every move,
the last tactic is well recommended.
You shall scream as though you are dealt very
excrutiatingly, the kind of blood filled scream
or a shriek more rather.

The last tactic worked very well as it attracted attention.
Several dentists marched over to make sure
there was no emergency situation
and thus, it caused my dentist to slow down the process.

I hate my dentist now, but in 3 weeks
I have a very high chance of getting to wear my braces.

Oh yeah,
today I kinda confessed to Vivian and Veronica.
It was...NVM
lets just say that they didn't think its a big surprise.
I wonder if it's that obvious.
Oh well.

Oh and I wonder who that William human is.
That evil skally wag!
He said that Bryan knew perfectly well what sex is
and that it is purely his desire to have a sex conversation
with a member of the opposite sex.

William very obviously is an evil bugger
and we should all be aware of this scary human.
Justin said hes turning emo.

Friday, November 14, 2008

I miss Jort! Evil dentist attacks!

The human finally decides to speak to me!
He was beign funny and he was telling
the humans on skype about how
*** feels "nice and pretty".

I hate school photos, man.
The dude in front of me kept playing with my skirt
and bryan wont stop aksing me
what "urges" are and what "endolphins" are.

Justin was standing at the back with the tall humans.
He looked bored, but somewhat triumphant.
Charles looked equally bored
and "Daway" was moving his head around.
Jin was so far from me, man...

Then, there was this ugly piece of human
who ran around tellng people to squish up together.
Ew, go away, u ugly piece of shit.

Oh and that evil dentist.
I was supposed to go to the winter far tomzz.
But that evil human said
"no no, ur mouth is too small for anything,
too small for braces, too small for winter fair.
no no, u have to come to my office and
we will play with ur mouth."
ew, what is wrong with him?

Monday, November 10, 2008

Good News or Bad news?

This has some relevance to the "incident" which i posted a few days ago.
So see, Justin was behaving rele weird today for some reason,
so I decided to ask my mom to lay off the poor guy.

Now now, readers, talking to my mom is a very difficult thing to do.
For one, she doesn't like it when I ask her for favors.
For another, she doesn't like it when I talk to her because my voice irritates her ears.

So I asked her, which sums up
one piece of bad news,
and another of good news.

Fair enough, my mom hates his guts,
and she still does.

The good news is that,
she actually decided to talk to me too :)

Nahh, just kidding,
Justin is free!
He best learn his lesson though.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Dentist dissed me.

Today, I went to the dentist
so he can tell me when I am to start braces
and if I need to extract anything.

And that evil troll told me
that I have a tiny mouth.
That little skally-wag.
Who does he think he is,
going around telling people
they have a tiny mouth?
I wanted to tell him
that his mouth is so big
it can eat up an entire table
in one go.

Luckily, i kept my "small" mouth shut.
Then, he told my dad that
I have to insert this blue rubber thingabob
between my teeth, so it can pull everything back
to create space.
Oh My God.
Does he think this is some kind of sick joke?
Way to crash my dreams of having braces earlier.

So now I have weird rubber things
between my back and 2nd molar.
And next week, I have
to wear this thing at night
so that my teeth can move
backwards to create more space
since my mouth is tiny.

And the evil dentist troll said
that I can't wear braces until
another 6 months
because my mouth is tiny.
But I get to wear four tiny brace things
if I have space.

Honestly, I dont get what his problem is.
Dude, creating "space" isn't exactly gunna help
my mouth grow bigger, okay?
It's only gunna make my jaw look
way out of proportion.

"The little incident" - a detailed study

Ok, so see,
I added this really awesome picture of me and Jin on facebook.
It's soooooo awesome, man.
I photoshopped the eyeliners.

Then, Justin got his fb account.
And he went through my pictures.
And, uhmm, he commented on them.
Then my mom saw the comments.
And she decided that he was evil.

So she kinda told him hes evil,
and my friend Gary told him to stop being evil.
Then he swore at my mom and told Gary that hes gay.
And, uhmm...
well, that isn't the kind of thing you're meant
to say to an adult.

So my mom got mad and she saved
all his comments.
And she told em that she wants to speak
to Dulwich humans about it.

Mom is stll pretty worked up about it..
I wonder if she'll let the matter drop..

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Evil humans

Here's an update:
apparently im a bisexual troll.
(too tired and lazy to add details)

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!! Dawei is emo. My dog is being weird.

Isn't it about time there's a law
stating that it is illegal for your dog
to fall in love with your classmate
and begin ignoring you?
Cuz my dog totally dissed me!

And the worst thing is he KNOWS
that he is dissing me.
Dude, that dog fell in love with
Dawei! WTF??!!
And he followed Dawei everywhere
and he ignored me, when I called him.
Dude! That's illegal!

But then, other humans came over
and he got scared,
so he opted for the
"Run to Mummy" option,
since Dawei didn't want to carry him.
So thats good.

TOTing was fun.
We put eyeliner on Dawei
(who had my dog resting on his leg)
He didn't like it,
but he let us do it anyways.
Good boy.

Dawei came earlier, so
he helped me make water balloons.
It was wayy beyond my interlect
to create water ballons,
therefore, he laughed at my
failure, and taught me how to do it.
How was I supposed to know that
the balloon holes were big enough to
go around the tap?

He then watched my dog sit and lie down
then he said that my dog was kinda stupid
and that his dog was big and smart.
WTF is his problem?
MY dog can be a model or something.
Hes gorgeous.

When we got back home,
Jin somehow told everyone that
my dad told her that I talked about Dawei in my sleep.
Which, by the way, is hardly true.
So whatever.

(I did once dream that he was kicking a
ball and it flew and hit a grizzly bear.
It came chasing us around, and
Dawei went to hide in the toilet...
then I forgot the rest)