Thursday, December 4, 2008

Evil Mr. Wright...-___-

Mr. Wright is evil.
Today he played my Trench Video Diary thing
in front of the entire class.
And I didn't know he was gunna do that,
so I didn't bring my awesome jumpah with me.
So I didn't get to hide under anything.

So then he played it.
And humans laughed when I made my voice
go low and say "HaHaHa".
And they is think I am retarded now.

Evil human.
I shall add him to my list of bitten people.

Bitten Victims:
1) Justin
2) my Dentist
3) My sister
5) Jack

Haha, suckahs!

1 comment:

Alfonzo Xavierez said...

admit it, you're retarded