Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Dentist dissed me.

Today, I went to the dentist
so he can tell me when I am to start braces
and if I need to extract anything.

And that evil troll told me
that I have a tiny mouth.
That little skally-wag.
Who does he think he is,
going around telling people
they have a tiny mouth?
I wanted to tell him
that his mouth is so big
it can eat up an entire table
in one go.

Luckily, i kept my "small" mouth shut.
Then, he told my dad that
I have to insert this blue rubber thingabob
between my teeth, so it can pull everything back
to create space.
Oh My God.
Does he think this is some kind of sick joke?
Way to crash my dreams of having braces earlier.

So now I have weird rubber things
between my back and 2nd molar.
And next week, I have
to wear this thing at night
so that my teeth can move
backwards to create more space
since my mouth is tiny.

And the evil dentist troll said
that I can't wear braces until
another 6 months
because my mouth is tiny.
But I get to wear four tiny brace things
if I have space.

Honestly, I dont get what his problem is.
Dude, creating "space" isn't exactly gunna help
my mouth grow bigger, okay?
It's only gunna make my jaw look
way out of proportion.


seeweed said...

haha u have to put those metal stuff in your mouth hahaha ....

Emonneeeee-doodlee said...

wutever, human

Ikigami said...

I had to do that too.. but the thing was every night when my parents don't see I simply take out the metal stuff that like pushes your teeth and after I went to the doctor (even though there was no effect whatsoever on my teeth) he said something like 'great, we can now move on to the next step since we have now made SPACE'