Friday, October 10, 2008

Viktor is voted badly

Excuse me?

Look, humans, you cannot just randomly vote him bad, okay?
He's hawte.


love you bitches.


Emonneeeee-doodlee said...

I mean it!!

hehe-haha said...

no you cannot mean it. so what if hes voted badly? hehe. =) oh well. oh right i forgot to say something.


o.o said...

Lol hey Yvonne, Sean here :x

FyreVortex said...

Owned, Viktor. :P

FyreVortex said...

*Shiver shiver*

And for the top picture, who is that? ... Is that your sister or something?

FyreVortex said...

... We are NOT randomly voting him bad. I vote him bad cause... Lol.

Emonneeeee-doodlee said...

What sister?
That me you douche bag.
My sister has long hair
xx peace

Wei-Wei said...

viktor's hot. he is. emo boys are hot, people. accept ittttttttttttt.

xo, jaybeeeeeeeee

Wei-Wei said...

btw on your picture the nail polish looks fake lol.